The Transformative Power of a Personal WHY Statement

Over the years, I have had the unique opportunity to coach several elite military personnel—Navy SEALs, Green Berets, and Army Rangers—as they transitioned from their rigorous military roles into the business world. One critical aspect of their journey involves crafting a personal WHY statement. This statement defines their core purpose, values, and priorities in life, guiding them through significant life changes.

Uncovering the Core: The Personal WHY Statement

A personal WHY statement is more than a set of goals or a mission—it's a declaration of what drives you at your core. For the special operators, who are trained to face physical and mental challenges head-on, drafting a personal WHY statement might seem to be a step outside their comfort zone. Despite its gentle nature, I've observed these warriors approach this task with the same intensity they bring to the battlefield.

This deep dive into their personal narratives requires vulnerability and humility, traits that are just as crucial as bravery and resilience. They reflect on their past experiences and the values they've held close, translating them into a concise statement that will guide their future actions and decisions.

Real-Life Examples of Impactful WHY Statements

Two examples of personal WHY statements from these operators, shared with their permission, illustrate the clarity and purpose such statements can provide:

  1. "I serve as a leader by encouraging innovative ideas and forward-thinking so that my team can create health-care solutions that will improve the lives of others."

  2. "To help others discover the greatest version of themselves, so that together we can live to our highest potential and inspire others to do the same."

My own WHY statement reads: "I am living an adventurous, passionate, and healthy life by accomplishing ambitious, intense, and unconventional projects that make a difference in the world. I build deep, meaningful relationships and enjoy a well-deserved sense of well-being."

The WHY Statement as a Focus Tool

The process of defining your WHY statement compels you to introspect deeply about your personal values and what truly motivates you. It serves as a compass, guiding you through life's numerous decisions and helping you focus on what truly matters. This clarity can be especially beneficial when navigating transitions.

The true strength of a WHY statement lies in its ability to help you prioritize. It becomes easier to choose which projects to pursue and which opportunities to decline. For instance, aligning activities such as peacekeeping, athletic pursuits, keynote speaking, and writing align perfectly with my WHY. On the other hand, returning to a traditional, full-time corporate role in a large organization would contradict the essence of my personal mission.

Crafting Your Own WHY Statement

Here’s how you can begin crafting your own WHY statement:

  1. Reflect on Your Values: Consider what values are most important to you. What principles guide your decisions?

  2. Identify Your Passions: What activities make you feel most alive? What are you doing when you feel your best?

  3. Analyze Your Skills: What are you good at? Combining your skills and passions can pinpoint where you can make the most impact.

  4. Envision Your Impact: Think about the kind of legacy you want to leave. How do you want to influence others or change your environment?

  5. Write It Down: Begin drafting your statement. Keep it concise and focused. It might take several iterations to get it right.

Living According to Your WHY

Once established, your WHY statement should be a living part of your daily decisions and interactions. It should guide your choices and help you stay aligned with your deepest desires and aspirations. Just like the special operators, using your WHY as your North Star can help you navigate from one phase of life to another seamlessly and with purpose.

Whether you are a seasoned executive, a student stepping into the real world, or a veteran transitioning to civilian life, a personal WHY statement is a powerful tool. It helps you maintain focus, make impactful decisions, and live a life aligned with your truest self. Start today, and watch how it transforms your approach to challenges and opportunities alike.


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